Jesenska šola o biodiverziteti in dinamiki ogljika v gozdnih tleh in gozdnem ekosistemu
Ljubljana, Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije, 15. - 19. 9.2014
The Autumn School on biodiversity and carbon dynamics in forest soils and forest ecosystems is organized as a part of EUFORINNO project dedicated to the increase of scientific excellence at the Slovenian Forestry Institute and in the field of forestry. The course will be given by Håkan Wallander, Adam Bahr, Zachary Kayler, Mike Starr, Ivan Janssens, Giorgio Matteucci, Olga Gavrichkova and Dieter Ernst.
The Autumn School on biodiversity and carbon dynamics in forest soils and forest ecosystems will be held at the Slovenian Forestry Institute, Večna pot 2, 1000 Ljubljana.
Presentation of Slovenian Forestry Institute
Programme (draft)
Introduction of Håkan Wallander
Introduction of Adam Bahr
Introduction of Zackary Kayler
Introduction of Mike Starr
Introduction of Ivan Janssens
Introduction of Giorgio Matteucci
Introduction of Olga Gavrichkova
Introduction of Dieter Ernst